February 3, 2022

LCNTDR & The HAT Platform Scientific Research Meeting – ‘Achieving Human African Trypanosomiasis elimination’

“The London Centre for Neglected Tropical Disease Research, The HAT Platform and RSTMH are co-hosting a series of scientific research roundtable meetings to convene global researchers who are working to interrupt the transmission and elimination of HAT as a public health problem, or whose work in a related area who could contribute to the effort. The focus is on work that is simple, feasible and sustainable. This meeting will differ from other HAT focused meetings in the calendar by bringing the perspective of scientists working in multidisciplinary fields, not necessarily on HAT, but who will share their experience and knowledge to support the HAT elimination effort. 

The objective of the meeting is to identify research gaps that, if addressed, have the potential to contribute to reaching the WHO road map targets for HAT by 2030. The meeting will be an opportunity to present recent and ongoing research, to learn from scientists in related fields whose work may contribute and for researchers and stakeholders to discuss research priorities and how they could be addressed.”

Register Here: https://rstmh.org/events/lcntdr-the-hat-platform-scientific-research-meeting-achieving-human-african-trypanosomiasis

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