September 28, 2021

Lessons from CouNTDown: Implementation research supporting the WHO NTD roadmap

CouNTDown is a UKAID funded portfolio of innovative research projects that have pushed the boundaries of NTD research using creativity, profound equitable partnerships and people centred solutions to tackle some of the biggest challenges facing NTDs. Equity, inclusion and participation are core across all our projects working across the health system at local, regional and national levels. We have ensured that communities are in the driving seat of innovation and change by co-designing and testing true co-production concepts and implementing cutting-edge fresh methodological approaches. Photography, drawing and storytelling are but a few of our methods that we engaged to promote inclusion of all regardless of ability. Capacity strengthening of hard and soft skills for NTD implementers, communities and policy makers has been central to our approach and has generated a new power-sharing attitude within NTD programmes in Liberia and Nigeria- a paradigm shift for bottom-up systems thinking.

New spaces for knowledge exchange between decision makers, community members and civil society groups were created to bridge the disconnect between research, reality and policy, resulting in solutions that really address the diverse needs of rapidly changing contexts – urbanisation, technology, covid-19 and rising mental health. 

NTD implementers, researchers and policy makers from Nigeria and Liberia will discuss what this means for the future of NTDs and how the lessons from countdown align with the NTD roadmap pillars. 

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